The Reach project is primarily aimed at contributing to the process of Albanian accession to EU, by supporting the modernization and internationalization of the HES in Albania. REACH has two distinct interconnected general aims: (1) Provide the Ministry of Education with a structural framework within which, (2) the Higher Educational Institute will develop research capacity and innovation.
- Drafting of ministerial guidelines as a framework to build a structural system of research and research-training for cultural heritage
- Enhancing research capacities of Albania higher education institutions in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
- Providing Universities with innovative and competitive research tools and methodologies in the field
- Establishing modern, integrated, and interdisciplinary research and research training laboratories
- Establishing modern, integrated, and interdisciplinary research and research training laboratories
- Transfer of research to training, through the development of innovative research training methods
The project activities have been organized around eight work packages.
Cultural heritage In Albania: need analysis and definition of research
The state of the art and need analysis is dedicated to assessing the research team and facilities.
Tasks: Realize an up to data analysis of research national framework, facilities projects, and study programs provided by Albanian Universities and Institutions in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Recognition of criteria adopted for the definition of cultural heritage, assignments of restoration work, quality and assurance; Action Plan: Discussion upon collected data from need analysis.
- Higher Educations Institutes Reports: A need Analysis of the Ministerial and University context about cultural heritage research and education
- Country prospecting report on cultural heritage conservation in Albania
- Action Plan Discussion -meeting at Shkoder
From 1st to 6th month
Strengthening research capacity in cultural heritage studies and conservation
This wp consists in the setting up of the laboratory units within the Albanian University. These laboratories will be equipped with the necessary tools to conduct research and development activities in the research field of restoration, and conservation of Cultural Heritage taking into strict consideration the peculiarities of each university involved
Task: It is divided into four actions:
- Purchase of equipment
- Assisted set up and basic training of equipment
- Technical workshop
- Field visit to possible case studies
- Experimental laboratories set up in the Albanian Universities
- Technical Guidelines for the use of the laboratory and the equipment
- Technical workshops
- Field visit of all partners staff to case studies site
From 7th to 12nd month
Research Capacity Building: training on the job
Researchers and teaching staff and, where present, technical staff of the Albanian partners will spend some time at EU locations to collaborate with the Eu partners in carrying on going studies, diagnostic, analysis, conservation of cultural heritage in interdisciplinary research aspect.
- Selection of Albanian researchers and teaching staff to be hosted by European partners
- Bi/multilateral workshops Albanian and European partners
- Pilot research capacity guided testes in Albania
- Strengthening research capacity in cultural heritage conservation
- Technical report: check of knowhow transfer
- Research and actions plan – definition of Albanian case studies to be seen as putting into practice the acquired research skills
Transfer of research to teaching development of Innovative education methods using laboratories and research knowhow
This wp consists of two key actions: the first one it to develop innovative research training methods using previously set up laboratories and research skills acquired in the wp3, and the second foreseen the organisation of an intensive International Summer School Hands-on: science and practice for Cultural heritage.
- Pilot research training activities
- oraInternational summer school
- Innovative research training methods: how to investigate, study, operate and promote cultural heritage in Albania
- Teaching materials & International summer school organized and delivered
From 25th to 36th month
Structural Impact on the Albanian Higher Educational System of Research training in cultural heritage
This wp runs during the whole duration of the project and proceeds parallel to the previously actions. It is aimed at comparing all collected information with the current situation in European partner (Italy and Spain) and with reference to European standards.
Analysis of European structural measure and legislation on cultural heritage research and training for conservation; Filed visit of Albanian Ministry officer to Eu partner countries
Ministry of Education guidelines
- Report Analysis of the European standards for the research training in culture heritage
- Field visit of Albanian Ministry of Education to meet and experience structural Eu strategies
- Guidelines in the Albanian prospective: a framework to build a structural system of research and research training
- Memorandum of understanding between Albanian ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture
From 1st to 36th month
Quality Control and Monitoring
Quality control and monitoring activities are planned during the entire duration of the project to ensure the successful implementation of the project and the achievement of all objective foreseen. More specifically, activities carried out aims to:
- Monitor and evaluate the quality of the project scientific outputs and deliverables
- Monitor and evaluate the quality of the project cooperation mechanism and administrative management
- Monitor and measure the impact of the project on the civil society at international level
- Quality and Monitoring plan
- Final quality monitoring report
- External evaluation
From 1st to 36th month
Reach Stakeholders: Dissemination and exploitation Plan
This wp is aimed at increasing awareness on restorer research skills, knowledge, and competencies, required for the enhancement of cultural heritage in Albania.
It is organized in five main activities:
- Training course on dissemination activities and exploitation of project results
- Promotions and awareness
- Dissemination of results
- Reach-sustainability
Training course on Reach dissemination and exploitation of project results
- Reach communication strategy
- Reach communication manual
- Promotions and awareness:
- Press kit: Albanian, Italian, Spanish and English
- Dissemination results: updating the communication tools, summer school promotion activities, creation of one video, Reach exhibition set-up
From 7th to 36th month
The general aim of this wp is to coordinate the overall project management and financial administration to guarantee a successful implementation of the project
Task and Deliverables:
- Kick of meeting of the project
- Steering committee
- Midterm project meeting
- Final Meeting of the project
From 1st to 36th month